

Gautam Sharma

Software Engineer

I am a software engineer. I got introduced to the world of software in my last year of undergrad and have been in love with it since then.

I learnt coding the hard way. I taught myself everything from scratch. I learned about memory layout, pointers, heap management, multithreading, web development, CI/CD, etc. I take pride in that.

I did my MS in Robotics and AI from Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.

Professionally, I work at MathWorks based in Boston, Massachusetts.

Recent Work

MathWorks logo
2021 - 2024
At MathWorks, I work as a software engineer developing low latency sensor simulation framework encompassing sensors like camera, radar, lidar and ultrasonic for automated driving applications. To leverage the power of the GPU, I also develop shaders in CUDA to enable ray tracing in C++ for photo realistic scenes. I am also the primary developer and maintainer of Bird's-Eye Scope, a visualization tool for automated driving. During my initial year, I worked extensively in the domain of computer vision and deep learning. I developed a vision-based parking spot detection system within a 3D simulation environment using Unreal Engine® , involving the Automated Driving Toolbox, Computer Vision Toolbox, Simulink, and Image Processing Toolbox. The project included configuring a realistic parking lot scene, integrating and calibrating a camera sensor for semantic segmentation, and implementing algorithms to construct a bird's-eye-view map of the parking lot. Residual Net detecting parking scene I trained resNet from scratch for semantic segmentation, applied traditional geometrical computer vision techniques like the Hough Transform, RANSAC, projective transformation, etc. for parking line detection, analyzed vertices to identify empty parking spots, and object recognition. Using Hough Transforms and RANSAC to fit lines
Stanford logo
Taught students how to code! Code in place is a free, human-centered, intro-to-coding course from Stanford University. It is the first half of Stanford's flagship intro to python course, CS106A. I covered 6 sections including variables, functions, object-oriented programming, graphics, etc.
Arizona State University logo
2019 - 2021
Completed my Masters in Robotics and Autonomous Systems specializing in Artificial Intelligence from Arizona State University. Had a great time meeting such lovely and talented professors and students at ASU. Absolutely fell in love with Linear Algebra. Did research on using reinforcement learning to model drone controllers. Also did a 4 month internship at MathWorks to design reinforcement learning based controllers for obstacle avoidance in self-driving cars. TA'd for CSE 220 - Programming for Computer Engineering and CSE 240 - Introduction to Programming in C++.